Monday, August 31, 2009

Win Surrender to the Night!!!

Okay, some of you may have noticed, I am not around online much anymore. I feel bad about it and am trying to remedy that. I've been rather depressed for some time now and I've been job hunting with no luck. As such...I kind of lost interest in things I used to love, like writing and reading. It's embarrassing to admit that I let myself drift along like that but...I did. However, I took a good, long, hard look at myself and told myself to "Suck it up, Buttercup."

My second novel, Surrender to the Night, came out in May and I have not yet done a contest for it. It got good reviews and to my delighted surprise earned a five cups rating from Coffee Time Romance! So, without further ado...Send me a comment here or a message on MySpace (you can even comment on my MySpace blog).

Or email me here: (with "Contest" in the subject line)

Good luck!!! I will choose as many as three winners depending on the number of entries. As it was with the From the Shadows contest, there are really no guidelines for entering. All I need is for you to contact me, letting me know you want to enter. I will select the winners in a week, on Monday, September 7th.

Here is a link to the Coffee Time Romance review:

And, of course, a blurb:

Korinna MacDougal is a strong and independent vampire who doesn't need a man, but it soon becomes apparent that a human male needs her. Korinna is drawn to Ziggy 'Blue' Dvorzhetsky, and when demons start stalking her in an attempt to find her vampire creator, she must protect Ziggy from a vicious group of demon rogues.

As the Guardians plan to uncover the demons' sinister plot, a young Oracle is kidnapped and taken into Tenebrae, the demon realm. Korinna's creator, Siobhan Connelly, and her estranged Halfling husband, Oren, must go into a hostile world to retrieve the child in order to keep the powerful psychic force out of demon hands. Can Oren and Siobhan make it out of Tenebrae with their lives and mend their own troubled hearts from a tragic past along the way?